For new readers

Hello new Facebook people!

If this is your first time visiting my blog, then welcome! If it isn’t, then welcome back. This is my blog about my exchange year in Sapporo, Japan – an adventure I’m sure you will enjoy as I’m bound to experience some socially awkward situations, cultural differences and difficulties, as well as wonders and weirdness of the land of the rising sun – and I’m planning to blog all about it!


I haven’t linked this blog to my Facebook before purely because I thought to myself: who the heck would want to read about my applying process and paper wars, unless they’re going through it as well? I’m sure you’re much more interested in what actually happens there, not how I got there. The blog entries tagged with ”applying process” are purely for those who might be planning on going through the same thing next year as I did this year. I’m sure they’ll need some support and someone to relate to. I sure as hell could have used some.

Therefore, as I am leaving to Japan today, I thought it was the time to let you guys know my blog exists. Feel free to comment and ask questions! I’d be happy to answer and chat all about it.


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