This is it. I’m in.

The title tells it all. Holy hell, I’ve been accepted to study for a year in Hokkaido! Holy crap on crackers, I can’t tell you in words what kind of a rollercoaster this whole thing has been but I also cannot quite express how amazing I feel right now. Words don’t do it any justice.

I was starting to feel worried when the first days of April went by and nobody contacted me. Of course I know Japanese are often very precise in everything they do and when the website said ”you will be notified on the first week of April” and yet nothing happened…. Well, a lot of nervous sweating happened on my part but lets not focus on that. Obviously I was beginning to think ”oh, the accepted probably get the notification first and then later those who weren’t accepted… bummer”.

In the end I was right. Japanese people are very precise. The acceptance letter came to my university e-mail on the 1st of April but I didn’t realize it arrived there because I had used my other e-mail during the applying process. But yeah, long story short, I have been accepted! Hooray!

For now they expect me to fill out a confirmation letter, another information sheet about me and add another picture in the bunch because apparently the size I used was wrong. Strange. Anyway, the deadline for those is 2nd of May.

I’m going to keep the blog posted about the process I’m going to struggle through before the exchange and then… and then. Afterwards. About the exchange. Aaaah! I’m so excited!