My exciting May Day

See how excited me and Nemo were about vappu? Can you see the excitement basically oozing from us? Apparently we’re getting old together. We enjoyed our nap very much, thanks.

There hasn’t been much to be done about the exchange for now. I renewed my passport because it would have otherwise expired in the middle of my exchange, and before the new passport arrives my hands are pretty much tied. Not much to be done before Hokudai contacts me with further inquires or information.

For now I still need to:

  • apply for soleGrant
  • make a study grant change to Kela
  • apply for visa
  • get the proper vaccination
  • buy flight tickets
  • rent a storage for my stuff

However, my bachelor’s thesis is finally done, yay! Just a few more essays, swedish written exam and one learning diary to complete and then I am officially done studying for this spring. After that my time is going to be spend preparing for the exchange, working, then two weeks at Malaga, properly preparing to leave, and then in August it is time to go. I swear to god it was January just a second ago… where does all the time go?